Chapter 433 Down Inside Her Puss"Y:>>Ep7
- We talked for a bit longer. Wendy did not really let me know much about her life in America. She had moved around a bit working as a secretary to support Mary Ann and raising her, I got the impression, as a single mum. In those days it was a lot harder than today to do that and I thought she must have been very determined. She would not talk about any men in her life. She asked a lot of questions about me and how I was going but she seemed to know most of the answers anyway. I am sure Wendy did a lot of research before booking the trip, which must have been very expensive. Mary Ann was engaged to a boy in Austin, Texas, which is where they were living, and he was a bigwig in some company called Standard Oil. She too did not say much about that but it was fairly obvious that she was very nervous.
- Then Jenny called time, in those days it was six o'clock closing, and we looked at each other.
- "How did you get here and where are your bags?" I asked.